One of our great discoveries has been learning about how much more healing happens when we take more time to pray, when we send more time in the presence of God. Many Christians in the Body of Christ have picked up on this discovery and now it’s often called “soaking prayer.” However, there is also a need for “Inner Healing Soaking and Prophetic Soaking.”
In soaking prayer we spend more time than usual in a posture of praying, which is like putting something in warm water and watching the water strike its boiling point, so that the prayer has time to go beneath the surface and reach more of the areas of our lives that needs healing. Soakings and Inner Healing Soakings are gentle words that symbolizes how prayer gradually transforms us and heals us of the sickness, disease, problem, struggles, issues, etc., and brings us inner healing and divine health. It’s like relaxing in a heated pool of warm water.
To me, soaking and inner healing soaking prayer takes us away from some of the impatient desires we have to see instantaneous results from God, and it symbolizes the gradual, deepening and relaxing effect of divine healing manifesting through our prayers. Most good heartfelt prayer is like that. We are freed from anxiety, worry, stress, and we can rely on the deepening movements of God’s healing grace and mercy, gradually transforming us into the wholesome life of Jesus Christ.
To give you a further idea of the different ways that soaking prayer and inner healing soaking prayers works I would like to share the two cases of Linda and Ashlee.
At the age of two and a half, Linda showed symptoms of a brain tumor, but after two and a half years of testing, the doctors diagnosed it as a demyelination of the nervous system. Over a period of six years, the disease rapidly progressed until she lost her speech, her sight and her muscle coordination. She was completely bedridden and had to be fed through a tube. Her spine was severely curved, causing the left rib cage to protrude outward and the right leg to be approximately two inches shorter than the left leg.
A few dear friends and I prayed for Linda at the conclusion of a ministry retreat in Dallas, Texas, followed by a week of intermittent soaking prayer by her church community and one-on-one inner healing soaking sessions with the Lord and myself. By the end of one week, Linda’s spine had straightened out completely, her right leg grew to its proper length, and left rib cage went back into place.
As you can see, Linda’s story is a beautiful miracle, and a true example of the power of prayer and soaking in the presence of God to gradually roll back what had been the steady progress of disease and destruction in her life. A minimum effect of prayer would be simply to halt the progress of the disease, but we sought God for much more. A maximum effect would be for the sickness to be instantly healed, and that is exactly what we prayed for. And somewhere in between is what we usually see happen in the lives of many believers, however in the case of Linda, she received a supernatural divine healing.
Another thing worth noting is that in this case, although there were many areas of Linda’s body affected, the healing that was taking place centered in the spinal area. Her sight was restores, and the paralysis of her arms and legs were healed.
Usually when I pray with someone, I ask after a period of time if he or she feels anything happening. If they do feel something going on, then I try to continue in prayer whatever it is that God is already doing, desire Him to do even more. Jesus’ principle of discernment was: “I do what I see the Father doing.” So I try to find out, when possible, what it is that God is doing in their bodies, rather than to approach a sick person with my own predetermined or preconceived notion of how God should work their issue out. Pray for a while and see if anything happens. If it does, continue praying along that line. When nothing happens, you must learn to accept that, too, without necessarily feeling that you have failed, and without putting the sick person under a similar cloud of guilt. Everything happens in God’s own time, He doesn’t work on our schedule.
The most remarkable example of healing through soaking prayer and inner healing soaking prayer sessions, I have ever seen took place after a retreat my husband and I came out of years ago. Towards the end of the retreat, people gathered around, a lady with a withered hand asked for prayer, people gathered around expecting a miracle from God, I looked at her deformed leg and excitedly told her that God was going to do something amazing in her life and that something was already happening—the leg had grown an inch or more right before our eyes. So, we continued in prayer, talking to the young woman, Ashlee, I found that she had stepped on a sharp object in a pond when she was only five years old. Due to the lack of proper medical attention, an infection developed which spread to her bone and developed into osteomyelitis. As a result, her right leg had been warped, from the knee down. It was about six inches shorter than the other leg and was slightly twisted as well. She also had a deep dark scar where an unsuccessful bone graft had been attempted. As we prayed gently for two hours, the leg seemed to grow about an inch. A few of us were praying, taking turns holding her leg (since kneeling down for several hours can be painful), but God saw fit to heal her body and make the necessary corrections, right before our eyes. The twisted leg was gradually straightening. You couldn’t see it happen, because it was so gradual, but when God got finished you could see that the legs were the same, again I saw God saw fit to heal her body. Later that week, we ended up praying for a young woman in a coma, and she spoke that very day, even described the color of her mother’s dress and knew the Man of God’s name.
Several other unusual developments occurred which helped us to understand better some of the factors we had already learned about God’s divine healing power. They had to do with the relation between bodily healing and spiritual healing. Twice we came to realize there was a need for a healing at the spiritual level for all believers. Both realizations, one in the morning and one in the afternoon, came because the healing and growth seemed to stop. After the first cessation with a one-on-one inner healing we discovered that Ashlee needed to forgive her mother for what had happened after the “osteo” developed. It was the only thing that could be done in the circumstances, but to Ashlee (as a child) it seemed like rejection. Amazingly, when we asked Ashlee to forgive her mother and to pray for an inner healing of her feeling of rejection, Ashlee’s health has been great every seen that moment she forgave.
We then continued with soaking prayer and inner healing prayers during the soaking sessions. At one session her foot made a turn until the scar that formed a spiral down her leg became a straight line from the knee to the foot. Now, for the first time in twenty years, Ashlee is walking again, unhindered.
It’s impossible to calculate exactly how many hours of soaking prayer or inner healing session’s one will need to find healing, God’s timing isn’t ours.
When you start praying, you never know—unless God reveals it—how much might happen, or not happen. And its hard work—at times exhausting work. No wonder Jesus referred to his healings as “works” rather than “miracles.” The works I do in my Father’s name are my witness” (John 10:25).
Seeing the effects of soaking prayer sessions and inner healing soaking prayer sessions has given me a whole new outlook on God’s divine healing process. It used to be that when I passed a disabled person, I would wonder if prayer would heal him or her, but now, I know it will, if they only have the faith to believe that it will. At the same time I would feel that the chances of a cure—although possible—were slim for some diseases, but I have seen the supernatural power of God in action, even in my own life.
Testimonies after Soaking Prayer Sessions and Inner healing Soaking prayer sessions.
Knee Cartilage
The cartilage in my knee was worn out, and doctors told me I needed a knee replacement. As I received prayer the pain left completely, and I can now walk without a limp.
Back Pain
I’ve had a pinched nerve in my back for eighteen months. After the first time of prayer, the muscle soreness was reduced; after the second time, when I came for prayer and inner healing sessions, there was no pain or soreness.
I came in June for prayer to be able to conceive. I found out that I was pregnant later that month. The doctor who performed the ultrasound said it is a miracle baby; he said I had a cyst so large that there is no way it should have happened. I have so much joy in what God has done in my life, and I am so thankful for the prayers when I came to your inner healing session.
I have been dealing with vertigo. I haven’t been able to move without feeling dizzy, and I needed to hold on to walls in order to just walk around the house. After attending your inner healing prayer sessions , I am no longer dizzy.
I was involved in an accident that caused some black spots on my cornea. Since I’ve been prayed for, I haven’t had any black dots and my eyesight is as it was before the accident! Thank for having inner healing prayer sessions/
I had all the symptoms of Alzheimer’s, so for the past six months I’ve been coming and receiving prayer at your soaking prayer sessions and the inner healing prayer sessions. I went to the doctor, and he told me that I do not have Alzheimer’s.
Periodontal Disease
I’ve had some jaw bone loss due to periodontal disease. I received prayer at one of your sessions and then immediately went to the periodontist. Tests confirmed that my jaw bone has grown back more than 3mm.
Shortened Right Leg
My right leg has been half an inch shorter than my left leg for more than thirty years. When I received prayer at one of your sessions, my right leg grew out until it was even with my left.
Shortened left Leg
My left leg has been half an inch shorter than my right leg for more than ten years. When I received prayer at one of your inner healing sessions, my left leg grew out until it was even with my right leg, Praise God for His supernatural miracles.
Lower Back Pain and Shortened Right Leg
I’ve had sciatic nerve back pain for five years. As I was prayed for at one of your soaking sessions, I felt my right leg stretch out 1 inch until it was the same length as my left leg. Now all the sciatic nerve pain is completely gone from my lower back.
Hip Pain
I experienced a great amount of pain in my left and right hips for four years, which resulted in neuropathy (numbness) in my feet. When I came for prayer at one of your inner healing sessions All the pain and the numbness is now gone, and I am off all medicine for pain!
Back Pain Relief
I’ve had lower back pain for twenty years. Today it was around a level nine out of ten when I came for prayer and inner healing sessions. Now it is completely gone!
Shoulder Pain
I dislocated my shoulder when I was a teenager, which caused lots of pain and limited movement. After prayer at one of your soaking prayer sessions and one of your inner healing sessions, all pain is gone and I have full movement! Praise God!
Broken Knees
I’ve had two broken knees for over two years. When I came for prayer at one of your soaking sessions and inner healing sessions I can say, today my knees were healed. I can kneel and bend without any pain. Pain around level eight out of ten is completely gone! Bless God!
Crooked Back
My back has been crooked or curved for the past three years. This has caused me much back, neck, and shoulder pain. When I came for prayer at one of your inner healing sessions, and attended one of your soaking prayer sessions, I can say when you prayed for me, my leg grew out and my hips straightened. Pain and tension left, and I no longer have a sore throat, which you called out in the inner healing soaking session, without my giving you the information, it was truly divine in nature!.
Knee Pain
I’d had constant pain in my right knee since 1999 and was told it needed to be replaced through surgery. Today I came in with a pain level eight out of ten. After prayer, the pain dropped to level three. After a second time of prayer, when I came to an inner healing sessions, the pain was all gone. I ran and jumped around the room and did knee bends that I couldn’t do before. Praise God for my healing!
Chronic Shoulder and Leg Pain
I’ve had chronic shoulder and sciatic nerve pain in my right leg for several years. After prayer today, all the pain is gone. God bless you woman of God, for your obedience in this season.
I’ve been anemic and have had low blood sugar for ten years. I’ve been coming regularly for prayer. The last time I came, I felt the Lord telling me to take a blood test, so I did. The doctor called me with the results and told me that I am healed. I am no longer anemic and my blood sugar level is normal.
Chronic Lower Back Pain
I’ve had continuous lower back pain for three years after giving birth to my second son. After prayer at one of the inner healing soaking sessions, all the pain is gone.
Right Leg and Ankle Pain
In 1997 I was in an accident which caused pain in my right leg and ankle (pain level is level ten out of ten). When I came for prayer and attended an inner healing sessions, I realized that there was no longer pain in my body, after you prayed for me.
Crohn’s Disease
I felt tingling in my body as I was prayed for in the inner healing session. I went to the doctor last week and was taken off my medication and don’t have to go back and see him for another six months. I haven’t felt any pain in my stomach, there are no signs of Crohn’s disease.
I usually wear powerful reading glasses, but I can now read without my glasses! My eyes are focusing more and more each day. The prayer sessions were gentle and loving; I appreciated the love and joy of the Lord. Praise God for His blessings. I was greatly encouraged in my faith as well, now I know the healing power of God, Thank you mighty woman of God! God’s blessings and favor on your life, is my prayer for you.
Relief from Stomach Pain
During the “Inner healing soaking” prayer time, and during the Prophetic soaking sessions, every time you laid hands on my head or shoulders, I could feel the presence of God, and I also felt peace and rest in my soul. I had come to ask for divine healing in my stomach, but ended up renouncing and praying for deliverance from insecurity in my appearance as well as from the fear of man, and anger with my father. These were things that had become so familiar that I didn’t really believe they could or would ever leave my temple. However, after repenting and breaking my agreement with these things, I felt like I had a significant breakthrough in my life. I didn’t even really believe that it could happen, and I hadn’t asked for prayer for these things. Now, after the Lord delivered me, all the pain in my stomach was completely gone.
Severe Knee Pain
I had inflammation and severe pain in both of my knees. I received prayer at one of the inner healing soaking sessions you give and all the pain is gone. My knees are working perfectly fine. Praise God!
Back Pain
I received prayer for healing in my back. It’s a recurring back injury that I’ve had for five years. It goes out from time to time and causes me a lot of pain. I had been in intense pain for a few days. After I was prayed for, at one of your soaking prayer sessions the pain diminished by 80 percent. It progressively got better throughout the day and I was able to do things around the house again. Before, this would have been agony, and I would have been left flat on my back in bed again. However, last night, I finished all the cores I desired to, with no pain, and my back felt fine when I woke up this morning.
I flew to Dallas from Georgia and was in extreme pain during the two flights. I had been diagnosed with ovarian cysts and severe endometriosis, and was told that my ovaries had doubled in size. I was in intense pain on a daily basis. When I came for soaking prayer and an inner healing prayer session and was touched by the power of God. I felt the love of God burning like fire on the side, and all the pain left.
I have been dependent on a certain type of medicine to sleep at night for nine years. Even with the medicine, I would still get insomnia from time to time. I came for prayer at one of the soaking prayer sessions, and inner healing sessions you give and felt the power of God touch me. I always had to take the medicine two hours before I go to sleep, but the night I got healed by the power of God, I felt sleepy without taking any medicine. I am sleeping so well these days. I praise God for His supernatural healing in my life!
Varicose Veins
When I received prayer, the pain in my legs disappeared and the veins have started to look significantly lighter. A week ago, the Lord healed my leg as well. My knee was swollen and extremely painful; the doctor said I had a torn meniscus. The doctor tried to extract the fluid, but could not. I told him I did not want him to try again and I did not want surgery. When I came for prayer and an inner healing sessions, I went back on Monday and told him some people had prayed and that the swelling had gone down and the strength had returned. The doctor kept asking what I did; he could not believe it or explain it. God is truly awesome! His divine supernatural miracle are unexplainable!
Hard Palate
The soaking prayer time was great. I actually wanted prayer for my nodules on my vocal cords, but also mentioned that my hard palate had descended into my mouth, making it sometimes hard to swallow. When I came for prayer and inner healing sessions, you prayed for both things. My hard palate now seems to be somewhat flatter, I can swallow with easy, and the nodules are gone.
Knee injuries
During the time of soaking prayer when I came to a sessions to receive inner healing, I felt warmth and tingling behind my left knee. My knee feels a lot better each time I receive prayer for inner healing, I listen to your soakings sessions; I don’t have any more shooting pain, I am healed by the grace of God.
Pan/Ulcerative Colitis
In 2005 I was diagnosed with pan-ulcerative colitis, inflammation of the entire colon, and was told that it was incurable by the medical staff. For years, I have been taking innumerable amounts of medications, which included high doses of steroids, immuno-suppressant drugs, and pain medications that were either not working or came with a very high price of side effects. I felt robbed of any level of normalcy, because almost every day I was in great pain (physically and emotionally) and lethargic. Other times, I was nursing infections and dealing with side-effects from the medications I took. I grew extremely weary of my health status ever recovering and refused to live like this for the rest of my life. My soaking prayer experience with you was remarkable. I was left dumbfounded by the instant changes I saw in myself. Leading up to the soaking prayer sessions, my stomach and joints were in excruciating pain due to my illness. I instantly noticed the changes during inner healing soaking prayer time. All my pain was gone—it all disappeared. I couldn’t believe it myself, but God is awesome. There was also an emotional change. My spirit was uplifted and I couldn’t stop beaming with joy. A week after the soaking and healing sessions, I visited the doctors and they too noticed the changes in me. It’s almost a month after receiving soaking and inner healing prayer and I’m doing great. As each day passes by, I feel stronger and healthier, and I thank God for this new lease on life. I haven’t experienced any pains and I’m full of life and vitality. Thank you woman of God for being obedient in this season, and I pray God’s blessings and favor over your life and your family!
Lower Back; Addictions
I appreciated the opportunity to enter into His presence with you, to receive the healing prayer time through worship and soaking. My pain level dropped from a four to a one and my right foot grew out 1 3/4 of an inch as my hips and lower back realigned themselves. The inner healing sessions were encouragement to my soul.
Emotional wounds
What I actually asked God for (my spirit) to be healed, for my heart to be more like His, and for my body to fall into alignment with His will. My heart was very broken and discouraged, with very little hope. The Scripture verses given during my inner healing prayer and soaking sessions have been a great comfort to me. I am memorizing those passages, and as I recite them in my heart, they soothe and comfort my soul. I am so glad that God is using you in this season, may this ministry be taken to the masses for His glory!
I was diagnosed with osteoarthritis ten years ago, and with fibromyalgia fourteen years ago. Over the past several years I have experienced so much pain and I have seen decreased mobility. In the past five or so years my physical ability has deteriorated and included an undiagnosed herniated disc which resulted in nerve damage prior to being repaired surgically. I felt the strong presence of the Lord during inner healing and soaking prayer sessions you host, and my pain lessened slightly. While driving back home from Houston, I noticed I could walk more and more normally. By the next night, I was not using my cane for support. At the halfway point, it was raining really hard with a strong wind as I came out of a building. Without thinking about it, I sprinted to my car—something I have not been able to do in many years. My walking and strength are continually improving and my pain level is so low in comparison to what it was earlier, that I have ceased taking all medication. Each day I am amazed and thankful for what the Lord has done, I know that He has healed my body.
When I came for prayer at an inner healing and soaking session, I became overwhelmed with the Holy Spirit to such a degree that I was shaking and felt the outpouring of the Lord’s healing power flowing like electricity through my body. You smiled, and hugged me, and I felt the warmth of His “loving power.” I was set free from the fear of depression consuming me, and freed from looking back on the things that had me bound. I have been filled with new hope and a holy boldness.
Lower Back Pain
I could barely walk when I came for prayer at one of the soaking sessions, I was limping because of the pain. After the laying of hands on my lower back, I could sit more at ease with less pain. I felt the pain in my back decreasing as you prayed for me. I got up and was able to bend over, which I couldn’t do before. You continued to pray again for me and it lessened even more! I was able to walk out of the holy ghost filled session without a limp and with much less tension in my back. Thank you, Jesus!
Spiritual and Emotional Healing
God really worked through you at the inner healing session. My husband is in bondage with drug addiction and your words spoke to my heart. I want to thank you woman of God for you obedience in this season. I thank Jesus for His grace and mercy, and for giving me the strength to endure this hard time, and for using others to release me from my bondage of pain. I must let you know that I played the inner healing soaking sessions for my husband, and God has delivered him from drug addiction. You keep on letting the Lord use you in this season, lives are forever being affected and changed. TGBTG!
Spine Injury
The inner healing sessions and soaking sessions are very cool. I physically felt like the people you were ministering to and the level of God’s anointing on your life was putting the fire of God on me. My right index finger was healed immediately, and then the numbness in my legs faded away. God id indeed using you, for His glory in this season… don’t stop! Push!
I have battled with underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism) since I was sixteen. The disease affects my metabolism and mood. Normal range for thyroid function is anywhere from 0.4–4.5. In August of 2012, my numbers were at 1.38 with medication. In the fall of 2013, I visited the inner healing session hosted by you, and listened to some of the recordings, even the prophetic ones. My most recent thyroid test was in August of 2015. The results of that test showed that my numbers were at 4.3. My medication had not increased, but my numbers had. I’m a miracle! Praise the Lord! The doctor’s office told me that they can take me completely off all medication when my numbers pass the 4.5 threshold. Thank you for praying with me and for me.
Knee Pain; Insomnia; Past History of Cancer
When I came for prayer at one the inner healing sessions you host the ministry that went forth was very powerful. I felt things break off me immediately and I felt a touch from the Lord. I had knee pain and after the soaking session it was gone. You prayed for complete restoration of health and I felt the power and presence of God so strongly that my body was shaking. The Lord moved powerfully through you as you spoke with a word of knowledge through prophetic prayers. My faith was increased for something that I had problems believing for, I thank God for you woman of God! Continue the work, we need it!.
Bronchitis; Right Hand Pain (Carpal Tunnel); Pinched Nerve in Neck
The soaking prayer session that I came to was awesome, so much so I wanted to attend an inner healing sessions, which I thought was super special. As you began praying, I felt a strong surge of heat flowing from above my head down the right side of my body, especially near my right ear. I kept looking up, since it seemed surreal to me, and as the radiant heat was now flowing all over me, the Presence of God was truly powerful, and this was a precious moment for me, I had never had a Holy Ghost visitation like this before. Truly powerful!
Emotions; Anemia
I came in to a soaking session for prayer for anemia and other issues I was dealing with. It turned out to be more emotional than physical while the healing prayers went forth. The intercessors you had present were great. They were loving and compassionate people—I think I needed that soaking session as much as I needed the deliverance process that took place. I left the soaking feeling like a heavy weight had been taken off of me. I literally felt as though the waterfall of God’s divine love had washed me clean. When I left the soaking session, my whole countenance and appearance was different. Thank you woman of God, I will attend some other soakings, soon I hope!
Inner Healing
I enjoyed the inner healing soaking, the time of silent prayers, and healing atmosphere, was electrifying in that room. Most of all, I loved being in the presence of Abba Daddy’s and basking in His glory! God healed me of unknown and known judgments and deep rooted seeds of anger. I have more freedom and liberty now than ever before! Praise God!
Sinus Infection
When I came for prayer to one of your soaking sessions, I came feeling so tired in my body and had a severe headache. There were sore places in my sinus areas in both the forehead and the neck. I was very congested from a previous cold that had lasted over three weeks. I began to feel a sense of relief from the stuffiness and severe pain during the soaking prayer session. I felt very good and not so tired after the inner healing session. Then, as I was prayed for in the inner healing session, I felt a lot of heat on the top of my head as you laid your hands on me, and all of my symptoms began to immediately leave. By the end of the soaking session, I felt great. Praise the Lord!
Neck Pain; Spinal Alignment Issue
When I came to the soaking session, I came for prayer and in the inner healing sessions, I realized that the anointing of God was with you, it was Awesome! I felt God’s presence so heavy in that place. The prayers for healing exemplified God’s divine love, compassion, and a strong gift of discernment from you woman of God. I believe I was set free from a related heart issue (anger) when you prophetically spoke it and touched my heart area. Hallelujah! Praise the Lord. I believe I am completely healed and restored. I must add, the neck pain I was having, from my spine being misaligned, you prayed for, without my ever telling you I had that problem, and when you touched my back, and moved your hand up and down, my spine, a penetrating heat flowed up and down my back as your hand moved, noticeably reduced was the pain in my neck, until it vanished completely and I receive my complete healing by faith that day. Thank you mighty woman of God, God be praised!
Migraine headaches; Hypertension
Due to the migraine headaches I suffer from, I felt clarity of thought during the soaking prayer session that I hadn’t felt in a long time. I felt something begin to fall off of me during the time of inner healing prayer. It still seemed to be falling off me as I’m sitting in a place of worship. The color that’s been missing in my life for days seems to have come back. I’ve been carrying way too much on my shoulders and during the soaking sessions I was able to give it all over to the Lord, and allow Him to minister to me through you and the soaking sessions. I praise God for you woman of God.
Thyroid Condition
The ladies in the inner healing soaking session at your house asked what I needed prayer for. I told them I needed to break the cycle of wrong beliefs, sins, and deep rooted hurts concerning in my life concerning weight loss due to a thyroid condition. They prayed the prayer of agreement with me. Then as you prayed for me, I felt liquid anointing or super-hot healing heat wrap around my heart, then the roots of self-condemnation were exposed as you spoke prophetically. I repented and renounced them as deliverance went forth. The inner healing prayer and soaking came next, and that is when I felt God placing His hand on my heart as you spoke the word “wholeness” and the weight that was present, lifted, and I was healed, in the name of Jesus, and today, my thyroid has balanced out, and my weight has stabilized. Praise God!
Bone loss; Cancer; Sciatica; Bulging Disc
I definitely have greater peace and a deeper degree of inner healing. The inner healing soaking prayer session you hosted was tailor fit for me, the atmosphere was so healing and comforting; and relaxing. Thank you so much woman of God for having the soaking sessions. Sometimes one feels all alone in their struggles and overwhelmed with the aches, pains, and other stuff life throws at them. However, I want you to know that God is truly using you in this season, and I am a witness to His healing power, there is a notable decrease of my pain level after the inner healing soaking prayer session, I no longer need pain medication.
DCIS (Cancer); Heart Palpitations
Hello woman of God, I want you to know that I felt the presence so heavy at the soaking session and the peace of God was filling the atmosphere like electricity. I felt very comfortable in your presence and I knew in my heart that you genuinely loved God with a passionate that cannot be explained. I have never met a person who could pray and stay in the presence of God it seems forever, but you can. As the prayer began, and the soaking session grew deeper, I could feel the Holy Spirit fire heating up all around me, and then a burning sensation entered into the area of my body that needed God’s divine healing to manifest. Your soaking sessions are very powerful. Thank you for allowing God to use you, to help us.
Celiac; Digestive Trauma; Heart Condition
When I came to one of your soaking session, and attended one of your inner healing sessions, I came with shooting pain and trouble breathing, I was having tremors, digestive issues, etc. I have been unable to bend over comfortably for the last year because of a stomach hernia, and it was painful. We prayed in the inner healing session for healing, for God to protect my calling, music, voice, hands feet, etc. And I must tell you, woman of God, I felt warm heat flowing all over my body, as you prayed. I felt like I could literally breathe deeply and swallow correctly without any problems. Also I felt led to curl up and even bend over which normally would have been too painful, I did it with easy. Soaking in God’s presence with you made me feel so relaxed and I felt during that soaking session that God was washing me clean and healing me completely. I have a feeling there will be more ups and downs in this life, but every time I am in Jesus’ presence there is obvious going to be physical, mental, and spiritual healing. Thank you woman of God for having the soaking session, please keep them going.
Insomnia, Severe back pain
The soaking session was truly excellent! It caught me off guard as I was not expecting it to be that powerful and that anointed, but the quiet time with the Lord and communion settled my mind and strengthened my inner man, and there just aren’t enough words to describe the inner healing soaking session. So, I’ll just say that it was awesome. Woman of God I want you to know that my pain level decreased, while attending the soaking session, and by the end of it, I had no pain. By the time I arrived home, I got a good night’s rest, and I have been able to sleep ever since. Thank you, so much!
Broken Foot; Fractured Elbow Joint, dislocated shoulders, and two cracked ribs
I actually want to report a healing from this last inner healing soaking session you hosted. I called in over the phone, for eight consecutive sessions following your every move in the presence of God, because I needed that quite time with Him, and I thank God for using you to get me to the place I needed to be in His presence. The inner healing soaking sessions are awesome, please don’t stop them, foot, elbow, shoulder, and cracked ribs got progressively better. They went from intensely painful (aching and limping) to brand new and in proper position by the eighth session I listened to, thank you awesome woman of God, God is truly up to something with you, in this season, so don’t let the devil stop this mighty movement! Be blessed!
I must admit that I was really skeptical about attending one of your soaking sessions, because I am not a seasoned Christian. But I was having a severe case of bronchitis, so I came to one anyway, and I received prayer for healing, of the bronchial and sinus areas and the next day, I want you to know, it was gone. I am so thankful to God for your level of discernment, compassionate and sensitive in the spirit realm. All I can say is that, it was awesome! I am so glad that I came, and I pray that God continue to use you powerfully for His kingdom. The best is yet to come!
Shoulder Pain
Wow! God healed my right shoulder during my soaking time in the inner healing soaking session you hosted. The nature of my work over the last five years has put many miles of physical labor on my right arm. I am an artist and I have worked in construction. I want you to know that I had nonstop pain in my shoulder. For several weeks, the pain has been very discouraging to me, and even kept me from work. I thank God that the Holy Spirit is so mindful of our needs. Along with the beautiful words of encouragement and prophetic insight you released from your mouth, straight into the heart issues I was having. You were on point, and I must say you are a true prophet of God. I want you to know that Jesus has healed my shoulder completely, just as you said He would, and in the amount of time you spoke to me that day, and I have no pain! What a sweet kiss from my Savior. He is all I need! Thank you prophet! Let the soakings continue, for His glory!
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome; Cramping; Digestive Issues
When I came to a soaking session you hosted, and stayed for the inner healing sessions, you prayed and spoke life over me prophetically. It was like rapid-fire shots of truth, light, and love hitting me in every area of my life. I left a great measure lighter, because the weight was lifted. Early in the day, I had intended on purchasing medicines to help my stomach and digestion, but did not need to purchase anything by the end of the inner healing soaking session; I had no more discomfort, agitation, or pain. I want you to know that my menstrual cycle was not giving me anymore trouble by the end of the soaking session. And this morning when I woke up, for the first time in about three weeks, I did not have the piercing, stabbing pain running through my wrists, nor did I feel any numbness—I must say, the carpal tunnel was healed also, I praise God for my healing, thank you woman of God for allowing God to use you so mightily.
High Blood Pressure
I’m so grateful for the inner healing soaking prayer sessions. I felt like royalty. The ladies in your group listened to me when I spoke and they were sensitive to my needs and as you leads us in prayer, asking, and proclaiming the word of God. I noticed that the atmosphere was electrifying, and I left the soaking session completely pain-free and my spirit and countenance was lifted. It felt like the Holy Spirit had given me some divine medicine.
Neck; Knee; Ankle pain
Woman of God, I want you to know that the Lord has healed my neck problem [and] knee and ankle joint problem. The Lord began healing me as soon as I sat in the inner healing soaking session, it was as if I was waiting for my turn. As you prayed and spoke the word of God over us, I was able to turn my neck and I felt electricity shooting through my left ankle and knee. I must say, God touched me and comforted me and confirmed my healing from Him that day, and I have never been better. Thank you, I praise God for all that He is doing in your life!
It was such a precious time in the inner healing soaking session. I really felt the tender love of God from you and those around you who prayed for me and I want you to know that I received a really awesome prophetic word from you that connected so many dots in my life and it really blessed my heart, because it was God confirming His promises to me. I truly felt like God started literally breathing the breath of life into my lungs and opening them up, and His peaceful presence filled every bronchiole area. Praise Jesus Christ for the divine supernatural healing I received at the inner healing soaking session!
Chronic, Incapacitating Migraine Headaches
Since I was about six years old, I would get severe migraine headaches. Well, last year I decided to get myself over to one of your soaking sessions for prayer, and the soaking session was so awesome that I decided to stay for the inner healing session too. While visiting the inner healing soaking, and waiting for God to move, I felt like a mighty rushing wind was blowing through my head. The only way I can describe it is that it felt like the wind blowing in the spring when you open up your windows and it felt like fresh, slightly cool air pouring into your home, that’s what I felt that day. That’s how it felt in my head, woman of God. And afterwards, I felt like there was more room in my head, like God had opened up another pathway. All of this took place right at the beginning of the inner healing soaking, I am certain that there was a residue left over from the earlier soaking session still in the atmosphere. When you began to pray, electricity shot through my body, and at that moment, I knew I had been healed, and from then on I began to claim the healing God had given to me. Since that day, I have not had one migraine headache at all! Praise God! There were days in the beginning when I had to fight for the victory, but this time it was different, all I had to do was just keep saying that I had been healed by the power of God, and the headaches would go away almost instantly. Now, I have been pain free for about a year and I am so thankful to God the Father for sending you in this season, I can testify about the power of God in my life in such a visible way, because you were obedient to the call of God on your life!




